The KAMEN Team

KAMEN is artist-run and not for profit. We are a small and committed team, and are closely connected to local partners and collaborators. 

Our selection committee spans a range of disciplines and shares a strong commitment to the arts and critical thinking. Each year we invite an external practitioner to serve as a guest member of the selection committee. We review submitted proposals and select projects based on the applicant’s quality of work, commitment to practice, and consideration of community at large.

Our residency building and grounds are generously offered to us by the Eparhija Zahumsko Hercegovačka i Primorska (The Diocese of Zahumlje – Herzegovina and Primorska).

Aside from our ever-growing network of local collaborations, we have two official partnerships: with the Akademija Likovnih Umjetnosti Trebinje (the Academy of Fine Arts Trebinje) and Galerija KC, Kulturni Centar Trebinje (Gallery/Cultural Center Trebinje). Both can offer our residents facilities for production or research purposes, and/or a venue for a public presentation, exhibition, screening, performance, workshop, etc.

Koštana Banović (BiH/NL)

Founder / director

Koštana Banović is a multidisciplinary artist and filmmaker. She works in various disciplines and media such as drawing, performance, video and film. Her research addresses the interaction between experimental and cinéma vérité documentary style, often categorized as the essay film genre. Her films have been awarded numerous times and screened at film festivals internationally, like IFFR Rotterdam. Her work is in collections, amongst other of Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam and Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Koštana was a faculty member in the Fine Arts and Design school at the University of Arts in Utrecht (HKU) in the Netherlands, in the digital media department from 2007 until 2017. She has also guest taught at various graduate and postgraduate art institutes and schools, such as the Dutch Art Institute (DAI) in Arnhem and the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht.

Temra Pavlović (NL/US)

Assistant director

Temra Pavlovic (b. 1990, Utrecht) is an artist and filmmaker based in Amsterdam. Venues of solo and group exhibitions include Bologna cc, Amsterdam; Lodos Gallery, Mexico City; Kantine, Brussels; KevinSpace, Vienna, 1857, Oslo; Seventeen Gallery, London; among others. Honors include the Princess Grace Award, NY for undergraduate filmmaking; Young Talent stipend from the Mondriaan Fund, Amsterdam; and Transmediale Non-Fiction program from the Stimuleringsfonds, Rotterdam. Temra received her BFA in Film/Video from the California Institute of the Arts and rMA in Media Studies from the University of Amsterdam.

Hans Broek (NL)

Selection committee

Hans Broek is a Dutch painter who moved to the United States in 1995 to live and work in Los Angeles and New York. In 2018 ventured on a long travel during which he lived in Senegal and Ghana. He is currently working on a project about the history of Dutch Slave Trade. For this, he researches and visits architectural sites used by the Dutch for the purpose of its slave trade. This research has taken Hans on a long journey around the Atlantic, visiting Surinam, Curaçao, Ghana and Senegal. The paintings resulting from this research have been shown in a solo exhibition in Museum De Pont (Tilburg) in the fall of 2020. During the last 20 years, Hans has had four solo museum shows and many group shows in a range of international galleries and institutions. His work is in the collections of the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; De Pont Museum, Tilburg; Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht and the Teylers Museum, Haarlem, the Netherlands. Hans was a faculty member at the Department of Art at UCLA from 2002 – 2005 and has taught at various graduate and postgraduate art institutes and schools, such as Cooper Union in New York.

Marleen de Witte (NL)

Team member

Marleen de Witte is a cultural anthropologist (PhD) based in Amsterdam. She was most recently assistant professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam and fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies. Previous positions include the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam and Université de Poitiers. Her research interests include religion and media, the senses and the body, cultural heritage, popular culture, funeral rituals, globalization, urban Africa (ip. Ghana) and the African diaspora (ip. Afro-Europe). Marleen approaches her topics in an interdisciplinary manner, bringing the social sciences in conversation with the humanities, including philosophy, religious studies, media studies, and art and art history. In 2012 Marleen received the Keetje Hodshon Award (in philosophy and religion) and her ongoing project ‘African by Design: self-styling among Afro-Dutch youth in Amsterdam’, is awarded a Veni grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO.

Matea Bakula (BiH/NL)

Residency assistant 

Matea Bakula is an artist who is fascinated by the nature and potential of materials. In her creating process, Matea works like a chemist or physicist. Matea’s reverence for chemicals like polyurethane foams and methylethylketon is visible as she strives to find the profound character or ‘secret’ of a material. Through her work, Matea teaches that matter is never fixed, its identity is fluid and influenced by the artist’s ability and curiosity to explore its infinite potential. 
A selection of recent shows include Art Rotterdam 2021, “Collector’s Item”, Centraal Museum, Utrecht (2021); “One eye and two takes on vulnerability” with Milena Naef, Lumen Travo Gallery Amsterdam (2020); “Between grace and fury”, solo show, Kunstvereniging Diepenheim, Diepenheim (2018). In 2013 Bakula was the recipient of the Startpoint Prize: Best European Emerging Artist in Prague, and in 2021 the Proven Talent Stipend by the Mondriaan Fund, Amsterdam.

In 2018, Matea was one of KAMEN’s first residents. In 2021 she has returned as resident assistant.